Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Writing Tip of the Week -- Journaling

Whether you are learning a new skill or just sharpening the skills you have, practice is important.
A good way to practice writing is to keep a journal. Some people carry a notebook with them and when they have a few minutes, they write. Some people prefer to write for long periods at a time, when they wake up or just before they fall asleep.
A journal can be as plain or as fancy as you want it to be. It's yours, so you can make it any way you like. You can also write about anything you want. It's yours, and only yours. You never have to share it with anyone.
The purpose of journaling is to get your thoughts on paper. It's not about spelling, grammar, or punctuation. Rather than just listing what you did today, write about the places you've been and the people you've met, and most importantly, what you think and how you feel about them. Write about yourself and the decisions you've made, or that you will need to make in the future. Write about your childhood and how it has affected you as an adult. Because you never have to share it, allow yourself to be completely honest. And don't think too hard -- just write!

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